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Pug Training Essentials: Your Guide to a Well-Behaved Pug

If you think pug training is easy, think again. Training a pug puppy is like asking an adolescent to keep his room tidy. Anybody who has owned a pug will tell you that this breed is stubborn and highly independent.

This is normal for the small toy dog variety because they get the “boss syndrome”. Most small dogs typically become dominant over their masters and this will also happen to you if you don’t train your dog very well.

Pug training is serious business. A lot of pug owners have given up their dogs because of poor behaviors and habits. This is the price you have to pay for having a cute dog. Little dogs are like primadonna, you know.

The First Six Months

This is the most crucial stage of pug training. During the first six months, owners make the mistake of letting the dogs do the very things they do not want the dogs to do when they grow up such as biting, playing too much, getting on the couch, and much more.

Owners make this mistake because when the pugs are still small, they are so cute and adorable that the owners let them do pretty much everything they want.

Pug training starts the very minute you take ownership of the dog. With training, we are not just referring to teaching the dog how to sit, heel, or where to poop. The training refers to how you acknowledge the dog’s behavior.

If, at the very start, you frown or do not tolerate its actions, it is a sure shot that the pug will learn early on the things that are acceptable and unacceptable to you as the pack leader.

For example, if you praise your pug puppy when it jumped to your couch, the pug will think this is a good behavior. This kind of mentality is difficult to undo. This is why what you do on the first six months is very crucial.

The Training Technique

As most pug owners will say, pugs will do anything you want them to do in exchange for food. This is why treats are essential part of the training process. This and lots of praises work in training this breed. However, patience is highly required because a pug is really stubborn.

One mistake that owners do when training the pug is that they do the training time in one long session. The right thing to do is to dedicate between five to ten minutes everyday for training.

Long training sessions can be really boring for the dog but short training sessions are more fruitful and worthwhile.

If the dog does something right, never forget to praise it. Say “good boy” and give it a treat. If a treat is not readily available, you can pat it or stroke it.

Make sure that you are happy with what it did because dogs can tell if you are faking it. Ensure that your voice is upbeat because this will help the puppy focus its attention on you instead of other things or distractions.

Pug training also requires potty training, you need to use a crate. The crate training method is proven effective for this breed. Puppies do not like to soil their own den.

What you need to do is to buy a small crate just enough or the pug to move about. If you buy a large crate, chances are the pug will soil in one corner. Place the crate or den in high traffic so the pug do not think it is a punishment.

When the pug starts sniffing, take her outside and let her do the deed. While doing this, consistently praise her and give her a treat.

For more information about the Pug training, check out the highly recommended Pug eBook and audio package today!